Infiltration Testing

The "MTC Difference"

We know  the most effective stormwater runoff controls often involve redirecting surface flow into to the native soil, reducing runoff and preventing many pollutants from entering waterways. Stormwater management structures can include bioswales, rain gardens, permeable pavements, subsurface infiltration structures, and infiltration basins, among others. To determine the feasibility of stormwater infiltration and to properly design stormwater management structures, our clients need accurate and reliable evaluation of the soil infiltration rate or permeability. With our staff of field engineers and geologists, our array of testing equipment, and our accredited laboratories, we are capable of handling all aspects of the infiltration or permeability testing process and provides high-quality data so that stormwater management systems can be efficiently and effectively designed.

On-site Services

  • Test Pits
  • SEMCOG Double Ring Infiltrometer
  • Percolation Test
  • Encased Falling Head Permeability Test
On-site infiltration testing equipment
MTC performing infiltration testing

Laboratory Testing

  • Constant Head Permeability Testing for Granular Soils (ASTM D2434) 
  • Hydraulic Conductivity using a Flexible Wall Permeameter (ASTM D5084) 
  • Falling Head Permeability (USACE)